
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Q is for Q-tips and Curly-Q piggy tails (Number 3)

Q is for Q-tips!  So easy.  We started off painting a letter Q using Q-tips.  I also had these pictures for them to paint if they wanted:

For the number 3 we focused on The Three Little Pigs, I found lots of variations on the story from our library but first read the basic story so that we could practice it.

We had fun acting out the story.  I planned to make piggy noses from egg cartons for the 3 pigs but didn't get around to it.  They wanted to act it out over and over again and got really good at the parts like "little pig, little pig, let me in...not by the hair on my chinny chin chin..then I'll huff..."

Then we experimented building our own houses out of different things: pretzel sticks, marshmallows, Legos, and used a blow dryer (big bad wolf) to see if the it could blow them down.  I got the idea here.

We then used these pictures to sequence the story.

And we made puppets for them to use to tell the story.  I printed them on cardstock.  They colored them, I cut them out and glued popsicle sticks on the them.

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