
Saturday, June 13, 2009

Our Fun Box

An idea that has really worked for our family is our FUN BOX. When my oldest was younger I let him help me decorate a cardboard box with yarn, stickers, scrap papers, extra photos of himself, etc and it became our fun box. Inside of the box I put different flannel stories, magnetic stories, a little critter paperdoll, a personalized BINGO, pompoms with paper sacks to sort them into colors, and some art supplies. I got the BINGO cards at and a lot of the story pictures at The idea was that on rainy days we'd find something to do in the Fun Box but I soon discovered that when I kept it in the pantry closet, it was the perfect thing to bring out when I was trying to make dinner. I still use it often when my boys are complaining of hunger or boredom or crying for my attention right at that critical dinnertime hour. They especially like the magnetic picture stories that they can do right there by me on the fridge. It's been a lifesaver many a time!